Vision Correction Eye Surgery Can Help Make You Look Years Younger

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Eye surgery, more commonly known as oculoplastic surgery, is a cosmetic surgery done on the eye itself or its parts, usually by an eye surgeon. The eye is such a delicate organ and needs extreme care prior to, during, and immediately after a surgery. Eye surgery can include repairing tears in the eye; correcting vision problems associated with astigmatism, nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism; and correcting eye weaknesses such as myopia or hyperopia. Some eye surgeons perform ophthalmic surgery on patients' eyes themselves. This procedure is called ophthalmosurgical surgery. Eye surgery as well entails the las vegas cataract treatment.

Before surgery begins, the patient must see a licensed eye doctor who will examine the patient and take a complete medical history. He will also order tests such as reflexology, electrocardiogram, computerized tomography (CT) scans, and x-ray to ascertain the eye's health. The eye doctor will make a decision whether the eye surgeon is capable of performing the particular procedure to be performed. Eye doctors are board certified and have received specific training in operating the eye and its various parts.

After the examination, the patient will be given a list of the possible corrective eye surgery that needs to be done. Most times vision correction will be performed together with glasses. If this is the case, then the patient will be given contact lenses and eye glasses to wear during surgery. Some surgeons will allow the patient to wear glasses immediately following the surgery. If this is the case, the contact lenses and eye glasses will be removed at the same time the surgery is performed.

Corrective eye surgery usually uses one of two methods: Episclerotherapy and LASIK. Episclerotherapy involves injecting the patient's cornea with a special solution that slows or destroys the hardening of the cornea. The new cornea is shaped like a bean with the laser reshaping it based on what the patient's eye is wearing. LASIK is short for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. In this type of surgery, the eye surgeon breaks the epithelial layer of the cornea and a flap is created in front of the epithelial, which is later sutured to the cornea. If you want to get more enlightened on this topic, then click on this related page:

If you wear glasses, then laser-assisted in Situ Keratomileusis is your best option for improving your vision. This type of eye surgery can greatly improve your vision and it is a great option if you are getting older. With this form of vision correction eye surgery, the risks are much lower compared to other forms. Unlike PRK or LASIK, there are no recovery times involved. As we get older, our eyes get dry and we experience dry eye more often because our vision gets worse as we get older. By using laser technology, the risk of dry eye and possible vision correction is eliminated.

If you have a history of farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism and las vegas glaucoma then you may also benefit from the laser eye surgery. A form of PRK, or photorefractive keratectomy, can be performed on people who have been suffering from certain eye conditions for years. LASIK can also be used to correct the problems of farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism. There are many types of eye surgery that can improve your vision. Talk to an experienced eye surgeon to find out which procedure might work best for you.